Harmer-Schau Auctions

Show & Auction Schedule 2018

January 13-15 ORCOEXPO STAMP AUCTION Fullerton, CA
January 26-28 Southeastern Stamp Expo Atlanta, GA
February 3-5 Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition Sarasota, FL
February 23-25 APS AmeriStamp Expo Birmingham, AL
March 16-18 St. Louis Stamp Expo St. Louis, MO
March 22-24 Garfield-Perry March Party Cleveland, OH
April 21-22 Plymouth Stamp Show Westland, MI
April 27-29 WESTPEX San Francisco, CA
May 4-6 Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs Boxborough, MA
May 11-13 PIPEX STAMP AUCTION Portland, OR
May 25-27 ROMPEX Denver, CO
June 8-10 NAPEX McLean, VA
June 22-24 Royal 2018 Royale St. Catherines, ON, Canada
August 9-12 APS STAMPSHOW Columbus, OH
September 14-16 SEAPEX Seattle, WA
October 5-7 Indypex Indianapolis, IN
November 16-18 CHICAGOPEX Itasca, IL

To meet us or our representatives at any of the above listed shows or auctions email or call us at 800-378-6454.

Penny Black

Harmer-Schau Auction Galleries, Inc.
1333 North McDowell Blvd., Suite B • Petaluma, California 94954
Tel: 707-778-6454 • Fax: 707-763-6772 • Toll Free  800-378-6454
E-mail: info@harmerschau.com

Two Pence Blue