Harmer-Schau Auctions

Sale 105

Pipex Portland Auction

Worldwide Collections
Lot Photo Description Realized
Lot 596
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock on sales pages.
Souvenir sheets, blocks and strips, 95%+ n.h. from 1920s to 2010, good representation of countries such as China and PRC, Macau, San Marino, Portugal, Belgium, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Iraq, Ireland, British Cols., German, Netherlands and French Cols., good run of Latin America, especially Paraguay and Nicaragua, etc., very strong in topical material, butterflies, mushrooms, soccer, Olympics, scouts, birds, gems, space, trains, Lady Di, animals, dinosaurs, Rotary and many others, housed in 70 Elbe-style binders, estimated Scott cat. is $80,000+ based on retail prices of $66,257 (tapes enclosed in each binder), material is retail priced at 10% to 40% off Scott, modest dupl., averaging 2 to 3, very clean lot, mounted on standard sheets ready to sell, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $7,500.
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Lot 597
Worldwide Collections, Large mint dealers stock.
Many thousands on #102 cards in 46 dealer boxes, 1890s to 2004, majority n.h. with some early o.g., mostly cat. values from 50¢ to $5, but a scattering of better sets with cat. to over $100, better areas incl. British Cols. with lots of modern n.h. sets, Canada, Taiwan, Fr. Cols., Italy and Eastern Europe, Fine.
Estimate $6,500.
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Lot 598
Worldwide Collections, Collection in 12 Scott International albums.
Thousands from 1840 to 1969, majority used, but with nice group of o.g. singles and sets, cat. to over $200, better countries incl. U.S., Australia, Canada, China, German Area, Iceland, Portugal, Sweden, British and French Cols., worth a close look, Fine.
Estimate $4,000.
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Lot 599
Worldwide Collections, Collection in 15 Scott International albums.
Many thousands, majority used with some o.g. sets, pages to 1970, countries merged in albums, cat. to over $100, better areas incl. British Cols., Canada, China, France & Cols., Germany, Italy, Japan, Latin America, Russia and Scandinavia, some mint issues stuck to the pages, but still worth a close look, Fine.
Estimate $2,500.
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Lot 600
Worldwide Collections, Used dealers stock.
Thousands on #102 cards in 42 dealer boxes, used and cto'd, mostly lower values with scattering of sets or singles with cat. values to $100, incl. few better British Cols., Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, Fine.
Estimate $2,000.
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Lot 601
Worldwide Collections, Modern collection.
Thousands scattered in 17 Scott International albums, pages from 1941 to 1984, majority used with some o.g. sets, better countries incl. Taiwan souvenir sheets, Italy & Cols., Russia and Turkey, Fine.
Estimate $1,400.
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Lot 602
Worldwide Collections, Souvenir sheet dealers stock L-Z.
About 100 with a few booklets and oversize sets, cat. value $20 and up, mostly o.g. with some n.h. or used incl. Laos first issue booklet, Luxembourg #B151, Macao 564, Malawi 322a (2), Poland 412a, Russia 1360a, Singapore 141a, Turkey 1101a, Vatican 155a (2), many topical issues, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $8,715 (Owner's).
Estimate $1,250.
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Lot 603
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock on #102 cards.
Few thousand in 11 boxes mostly used with a scattering of o.g. sets, cat. values to about $50, incl. some interesting British Cols., France, Netherlands, and Asia area, incl. few better China, Average to Fine.
Estimate $1,100.
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Lot 604
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock of souvenir sheets.
Over 3000 from 1940s to 2000, mostly n.h. with some o.g. or cto'd, lots of topical issues, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $1,000.
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Lot 605
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock of imperf issues.
Few thousand on #102 cards from classic 19th century issues mostly used from Europe and Latin America to modern Scott and non-Scott listed issues (mostly n.h. with few cto'd), lots of cat. value, but some questionable in 19th century, Fine.
Estimate $1,000.
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Lot 606
Worldwide Collections, Collection to 1940.
Thousands in 4 Scott International albums with added blank pages, majority used with some o.g. singles and sets, incl. better British Cols., China, Hungary, Italy & Cols., and Scandinavia, worth a close look, Fine.
Estimate $1,000.
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Lot 607
Worldwide Collections, Valuable collector stock.
Few thousand sorted and identified in glassines, majority n.h. 1960s to 1980s Airmail issues with some earlier regular issues, few o.g. and used, cat. values to about $100, nice Fr. Cols., British Cols., some better Ryukyu and Liechtenstein, plus some Asia and Latin America, worth a close look, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $1,000.
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Lot 608
Worldwide Collections, Interesting new issues accumulation.
Few thousand mostly 1950s to 1970s n.h. with scattering of earlier o.g. or used, incl. better Austria, France & Cols., Br. Cols. and Liechtenstein, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $650.
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Lot 609
Worldwide Collections, Country collections.
Thousands in Scott albums some with non-Scott pages or on album pages, majority used with some o.g. sets incl. Ryukyu, Turkey, Thailand, Philippines, some Africa, and Middle East, Fine.
Estimate $600.
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Lot 610
Worldwide Collections, Better souvenir sheet dealers stock A-F.
73 with a few booklets, mostly o.g. with few n.h. or used incl. Albania #643 imperf, Belgium B179, B194, B513a (o.g.), B605a (n.h.), Danzig B21a, France 1100 (n.h.), plus couple PRC and nice topical issues incl. WWF, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $3,000.
Estimate $600.
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Lot 611
Worldwide Collections, Better souvenir sheets and booklets G-K.
Over 50 mostly o.g. with some modern n.h., cat. values $20 and up, incl. Gambia #407a, DDR 144a-146a, Hungary B198, Japan 385a, plus G.B. prestige booklets, Greenland and Germany, Fine.
Scott $3,470.
Estimate $600.
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Lot 612
Worldwide Collections, Collection on blank pages.
Few thousand in about 18 binders, mostly used with some 1960s o.g. sets, few better Fr. Cols., Portuguese Cols., Spain and British, Fine.
Estimate $500.
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Lot 613
Worldwide Collections, Collection in 6 Scott Brown International albums.
Few thousand mostly used, pages to 1938 with a few better France and British Cols., Average to Fine.
Estimate $500.
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Lot 614
Worldwide Collections, New issues accumulation.
Many hundreds n.h., to about 2006, incl. Australia, Canada, Japan, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, British Cols., U.N. and some bird topicals, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $450.
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Lot 615
Worldwide Collections, Balance of dealers stock.
Thousands mostly used on #102 cards, sales sheets, stockcards, stockbooks, plus cto'd sheets, also a used G.B. #1 in fancy album (3 margin copy), and few seals and labels, Fine.
Estimate $400.
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Lot 616
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock of mostly classic issues.
Couple hundred majority used 19th century, with cat. values to $500, better areas incl. Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey and a small group of U.S., few questionable items, condition very mixed, needs to be examined, but large cat. value, Average to Fine.
Estimate $400.
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Lot 617
Worldwide Collections, Collections in albums.
Thousands in 16 albums, majority used with some mint sets, incl. some interesting British, topicals and n.h. U.N., Fine.
Estimate $400.
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Lot 618
Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection.
Many hundreds majority n.h., with some o.g. and cto'd, incl. better 19th century G.B., Albania o.g. #C15-21, Andorra used C2-4, Vatican used C16-17, some better complete booklets, and Sand Dunes area, Fine.
Estimate $400.
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Lot 619
Worldwide Collections, Collection in 9 albums.
Few thousand majority used with some o.g. sets, incl. G.B. #251 (creased), better Austria, Hungary, Ireland and Switzerland, some mint stuck to pages so should be examined, Fine.
Estimate $400.
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Lot 620
Worldwide Collections, Collection in Harris Citation albums.
Thousands in 6 albums with pages to 1995, mostly used with scattering of o.g. sets, incl. some modern mint U.S. and few better Japan, Average to Fine.
Estimate $350.
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Lot 621
Worldwide Collections, On and off paper mix hoard.
2½ bankers boxes on paper mix, plus 28 pounds of off paper mix, hours of fun, Average to Fine.
Estimate $350.
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Lot 622
Worldwide Collections, Airmail collection in 1934 Nicklin album.
Few hundred mostly o.g. with some used, better items incl. mint U.S. #C3, China C6-10 and few better Italy & Cols., Fine.
Estimate $350.
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Lot 623
Worldwide Collections, Accumulation on album and sales pages.
Few thousand mostly used in binders, incl. some better G.B. and Fr. Cols., Average to Fine.
Estimate $300.
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Lot 624
Worldwide Collections, Remainder collections.
Few thousand in about 10 albums mostly used with some o.g. sets, incl. German Area, Guatemala, Scandinavia and n.h. Disney collection, Fine.
Estimate $300.
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Lot 625
Worldwide Collections, Interesting group of better issues.
About 100 mostly o.g. with some used, incl. used Cape of Good Hope #15, G.B. 1 used (faulty), Peru C39, Switzerland 7 with APS cert (faulty), mint Australia 127-129 with specimen overprints, Ireland 77-79, New Zealand 298B-301, and some Israel tete-beche pairs, Fine.
Estimate $300.
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Lot 626
Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection.
Many hundreds incl. G.B. and Scandinavia new issues, used Germany, worldwide 19th century incl. few U.S. area on sales cards, unused U.S. ducks, couple better Greece o.g. sets, and a scattering of covers, Average to Fine.
Estimate $300.
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Lot 627
Worldwide Collections, Country collections.
Few thousand on Scott International pages, mostly 1940s to 1970s with few earlier issues, nice group of o.g. sets incl. Iran, New Hebrides, Vietnam, Ethiopia, New Caledonia, and Middle East, plus few British Africa, earlier used France and Austria, Fine.
Estimate $300.
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Lot 628
Worldwide Collections, Used dealers stock.
Thousands on stockpages in 20 binders mostly used with small group of o.g., with some interesting Austria and G.B., Average to Fine.
Estimate $250.
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Lot 629
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock on sales pages.
Few hundred in 12 small binders majority o.g. or n.h. with some early used, incl. DDR, Austria and some Fr. Cols., Fine.
Estimate $250.
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Lot 630
Worldwide Collections, Remainder lot in 3 bankers boxes.
Thousands in glassines, on album pages, on #102 cards and in envelopes, mostly used with scattering of o.g. or n.h. sets, plus group of mostly U.S. covers incl. FDCs, commercial and postal cards, Average to Fine.
Estimate $250.
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Lot 631
Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection.
Thousands on and off paper and bundleware, plus collections in worldwide albums, mostly used foreign with scattering of mint sets and used U.S., plus box of covers, Average to Fine.
Estimate $250.
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Lot 632
Worldwide Collections, Accumulation in glassines.
Thousands mostly used with scattering of mint sets, incl. Belgium, Bavaria, British, and some Asia area, worth a look, Average to Fine.
Estimate $250.
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Lot 633
Worldwide Collections, Airmail collection.
Few hundred mostly o.g. with some used and scattering of covers, incl. mint Italy #C42-47, Latvia CB9-13a, and Russia C75a, Fine.
Estimate $250.
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Lot 634
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock of booklets.
Couple hundred n.h., 1960s to 2001 incl. Canada, G.B., Ireland, Netherlands and Scandinavia, identified and priced on sales cards, n.h., Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 635
Worldwide Collections, Country collections.
On album pages, many hundreds mostly used with scattering of o.g., incl. interesting Canada, India, and early Japan forgeries, Average to Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 636
Worldwide Collections, Collection in 3 Scott International albums.
Few thousand mostly used with few o.g., incl. few better Canada and British Cols., U.S. pages to 1974, balance of page to 1950s, Average to Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 637
Worldwide Collections, Dealers stock of oversize souvenir sheets.
Few hundred mostly modern n.h. with few o.g. or cto'd, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 638
Worldwide Collections, Balance of estate.
Few thousand majority used, incl. o.g. Japan collection in Scott album, Lighthouse hingeless album for G.B. to 1970 (no stamps), commercial covers and FDCs, worldwide on and off paper and couple albums, Average to Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 639
Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection.
Few thousand incl. used on approval and album pages, DDR collection in album, n.h. Mexico and British new issues, few better o.g. British and foreign, Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 640
Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection.
Few thousand in 3 bankers boxes in various stockbooks and albums, incl. some U.S. n.h. postage and mint foreign along with lots of used, Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 641
Worldwide Collections, Balance of estate.
Thousands in 4 bankers boxes mostly used in worldwide albums, plus n.h. 1970s British omnibus issues and few covers, Average to Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 642
Worldwide Collections, Interesting collection of die and type varieties.
About 100 mostly used with some o.g., on well annotated handmade pages showing examples of each type by country incl. U.S. bank notes, few China and some better France incl. used #254, worth a close look, Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 643
Worldwide Collections, Collection in 2 Scott International albums.
Few thousand 1850 to 1950, mostly used with scattering of o.g. sets with a few better British Cols., Average to Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 644
Worldwide Collections, Balance of collection.
Incl. used Canada collection, mint Australia, worldwide in envelopes and stockbooks, U.S. precancels, and Robert Zoellner auction catalog, Fine.
Estimate $200.
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Lot 645
Worldwide Collections, Group of freaks errors and specimens.
About 50 mostly Airmail issues incl. Poland #C26cd with specimen overprint, Greece, Guinea imperfs and Italy Postage Due inverts, Fine.
Estimate $200.
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